Wednesday, October 24, 2007

AdSense News: Changing ads from the AdSense Setup page (coming soon)

The latest post in the official Inside AdSense blog, has some very promising news for Adsense users: Coming soon: Make ad changes without replacing code.

Those familiar with AdSense know that if you want to make any adjustments to your AdSense code you have to edit your blog or website manually.

As things are right now, before the new changes take place, those using Blogger have it a little bit better since they can currently add/edit/delete Google Ads using the new Blogger's Page Elements interface. However, the Blogger Adsense code does not have an option for using Channels (tracking information), so it's not helpful if you are trying to analyze and optimize your blog. But the Blogger Adsense has the benefit of computer-suggested Blend and Match Template color-matching schemes, particularly helpful to those of us who lack the ...sense to get them right manually :-) As you can there are some pros/cons either way.

It will also be interesting to see whether these new changes will affect in any way the Blogger-created AdSense ads. Of interest to me as well since I am using Blogger :-)

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